Jul 4, 2011

...Happy 4th...

I hope all of you are having a wonderful 4th of July weekend.

Me, well, it could have been better.

Yes, I did get to see fireworks, much in part to my amazing job working with a sports team, but other than that not so happy.

This morning, mu husband left to go back up with his unit. They start Deployment Mobilization tomorrow morning. Let me tell you, this gave me a whole new perspective on Independence day. It also hit me that this was the last morning I got to wake up with him, it was the last time he would be in our home, and it was the last time he would be with the puppies {until his two weeks R&R}. I was a mess after we lunch and we said goodbye, however I sucked it up and was able to head to work.

I held it together until the end of the game and they did a tribute to all the military {past and present} as well as the loved ones of those who served...I broke down. Lucky for me, the female mascot, who I am friends with, was there to hug me until I was ok.

Then, after a lovely fireworks show, I headed home and am here now...just me and the puppies. Annie looked for my husband and went crying around the apartment looking for him. As for my dog, he has just been by my side since I walked in the door. He sense it, or saw the tears rolling down my face when I walked in the door.

I'm sure it gets easier with time, but for now, knowing he wont be coming home in a few weeks for a visit is really hard.

My apologizes if I made your holiday a little glum, but it's just the way mine went.


  1. Hang in there! I am thankful for your husband, for his service, and for you, for supporting him!

  2. Had the same thing - Training started right after the Holidays, which colored the weekend. It was a little gloomy, but at least it meant I got some time.
