Jun 26, 2011

Not So Good

I am not going to divulge into to much information now, but a few years ago I got pretty sick and apparently it's back again. I found out a few days after fathers day and have just been going through the motions of life right now trying to push it to the back of my mind.

Yes, that is not the best/smartest thing to do but it's what I needed to do at the time. I was lucky enough to talk to my husband about everything and it turns out he is able to be here with me when I go through my next round of tests and "next step" talk.

How is that possible, well he gets one more week for his what his guard unit likes to call "your final family week" before they start deployment mobilization. The timing of the overall process stinks, but luckily my mother is able to fly out here and help out if need be.

Once I know results and what has to happen next I will let you know. For now, just need some good thoughts and prayers headed in my general direction.

Thank you all.

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