Mar 8, 2011

Ode to the House Wife

Now that I am back into the full swing of working, I have had time to reflect back on Alabama and what I miss and don't miss about my time there. Among the missing, is of course, my husband, his dog, the friends I made, and the fact the beach was about an hour and a half away. As for what I wont miss, the biggest thing is being a house wife.

For those of you who are, I have nothing against that path in life, but it's not for me.

I actually respect what house wives go through. You are home alone all day, run the errands, clean the house, pretty much take care of everything. For me, while I did not (or do not) mind helping out around the house I found it made me upset inside. I hated feeling alone all the time with my main communication being the dogs, and feeling like I did everything, just waiting on him hand and foot, never really feeling like I was being thanked.

It also gave me a better insight to what a lot of active duty wives go through because they move so much and they may find it easier to be a house wife.

Once again, these are just my feelings and how I felt, and once again, I TOTALLY RESPECT YOU ALL.

It takes a truly powerful woman, or guy for any of you out there, to be a house wife. You deserve more respect and thanks than you realize and I know deep down, even if they forget to tell you, your husbands appreciate the work you do, and you, a lot.

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