Feb 25, 2012

Silent Strength

Today while I was out and about running errands, I had {about 40 year old} woman come up to me in the grocery store park lot. I thought I might have dropped or forgotten something, but to my surprise she stopped me for another reason all together.

She stopped me to thank me.

Yep, to thank me. She saw the Army wife license plate cover on my car and waited for me to come back out of the store. I was shocked and told her she did not have to wait or to thank me. She insisted that she had to and that more people needed to thank me and other Army wives more.

She then went on to tell me about her grandmother who was an Army wife, and all the stories she told her growing up. Then, when she was old enough to fully comprehend them she realized that while the military men do the "dangerous" work, it was the women behind them that take on so much more. We have to hold down the fort, push through alone, and be the SILENT STRENGTH of the armed forces.

That whole conversation {about 20 min} almost brought tears to my eyes. To end it, she told me thank you again and asked if she could give me a hug and put me in her prayers. Of course I said yes.

So in turn, I would like to extend the small thank you I got to all of you other military wives. So THANK YOU! Thank you for being that silent strength that help our guys do what they need to do.

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