Jan 1, 2012

Hello 2012

2011 was a roller coster. 

My husband graduated flight school, I got my first {dream} job, we got to actually live together for a month, he started his first deployment, I had finally got a clean bill of health, and those are just a few of the high lights. 

In honor of all of that, I am looking forward to what 2012 has to offer and am going to do a different twist on resolution thing. I actually found this list on another blog and love the concept. Hopefully I can keep these up.
  1. Smile
  2. Have Gratitude
  3. Kick Comparison to the Curb
  4. Set Some New Goals
  5. Give Back
  6. Do What You Like
  7. Surrond Myself with People You Love
  8. Feel Your Best
  9. Create a Happy Environment
  10. Focus on Your Strengths
Now for all of you, I hope your New Year is full of fun, peace, happiness and full of fun new adventures.


    1. hi! I'm a new reader, I saw your blog in the milspouse blogger list. I like your resolutions :)

      Happy New Year!

    2. Thanks Just_Megs! Hope your New Year is starting off well and thanks for reading.
